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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Extra Picture a Day#1

I Found this tree on the way home from the Scout Olympics.
I absolutely love this picture!

Cub Scout Olympics

It was the Scout Olympics today and it was fun and Very MUGGY.
But with good company and fun all around it was a good day.

Mickey waiting in line for the long jumpMickey lost his shoe in the first jump,
Here is mickey in action, way to go!
Waiting for the rest of our group they played tag.
The long throw,
This is how far he threw the ball!
The Disc throw,
Obsticle course,
Rounding the finish line

Mickey all smiles after the course was done!
Kellen just chillin' in the stroller,
Travis and Maddi keeping busy,
Tavis and his applesauce, inseperable!
Sam is bored out of her mind!!

This is Travis tired of waiting, and taking a nap.

Mickey is in the distance running the 50 yard dash
Here he comes!
Waiting for the results to come up.
What a bunch of goofs!

Picture a Day #81

I know its not my kid but i love the picture, Maddi was loving the popcorn and Sams shoes.

Picture a Day #80

The morning sky in oregon

The Fun Has Began for the Summer

I got a phone call this morning(Thursday) from our scout leader, she had heard on the radio about the Salem park having lots of free stuff today. All we needed to do was bring some canned food and then walk around and play/learn about the cities "public works" crews. They had all there equipment out and was cleaned up for the kids to handle and ask questions about it. So I made some phone calls to the parents in our troop, to see who all could make it. Well Wendy wasn't sure if they were going to make it and Calista was more than ready to go and start the day. So we went and had them follow us to Salem to start the day.
When we got there the first thing we did was drop off our canned food and head towards the first booth. It was the water pipe fixers. They had the color codes up for when they would paint lines on the road. I knew that I wouldn't remember so I took a picture of the list.

The next station was about the sewer lines, and how they break up the roots that have grown into it. They have the drill bit spinning at 2,000 rpms and one has a chain attached. Can you imagine the rip factor on that baby!

The next station was with a robot that they send into the pipes to see what is in them before they descend. It is so awesome, they let the kids move it and use the camera.

The next few stops we made were at some big machines with no body standing guard. So we made some reasonable guesses. One was a snow plow, the next was a bucket truck to get up high, not so sure about a couple of the last ones.

We found this giant Chinook sitting on the lawn and the kids were invited to go inside of it. They loved it inside, they would have stayed in there for a lot longer than I let them I am sure of it.

The kids wanted to get face painted but only Sam and Kellen got it on the face, the others got it on the arm. The boys wanted lizards and sam got a softball.

They had this scoop with a bouncey ball attached to it for the adults to try to knock over some bowling pins in order in the shortest amount of time. The kids got to get hard hats and a picture while sitting up in the cab. I have a polaroid of them that i will post later.
The next thing we did was to go to the tent, it was filled up with informative tables of things to look at and to have. I did some talking with a few of the people and at one I have a tour ready for us. All we need to do is call and set a time, it is about the new Natural Reclamation Systems. They have a hike that is a little more than a mile, and has tons of plants and animals for the boys to see. I think she said that they have papers that the boys will have to find and locate the certain plants and label them. I am really excited.
We were getting tired and decided to have lunch, it was free, hot dogs, chips and sodas.
When we were done we were headed to the park and got detoured by the giant sprinkler/practice broken main pipe. It was pretty hot out so it made for some well needed cooling off. I even ran through it a few times. When we were done we bee lined to the park and played until it was time to leave.

It was so much fun and to have great company with us was a bonus. I couldn't of asked for a better day.

Picture a Day #79

These are my water babies having fun at the park. Cooling off after a day of fun!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fathers Day

I wanted to make a poem about fathers and that Scott is such a good one and he deserves the attention.

Fathers on Fathers Day

Some like to fish and
Some like to hunt.

Some like to hit balls
Some like to punt.

They watch sports and
the kids too!

They will soon realize
the house is a Zoo.

Wrestle with the tots and
Dance like robots.

Snuggle up to watch tv
laugh and giggle with a tee hee hee.

Big and strong but will
still sing children's songs.

Gentle and loving and
Always hugging.

This is OUR Dad, and
Man are we ever so GLAD.


Picture a Day #78

So do geese have like a 7th sense about them that tells them when someone is afraid of them?
I am totally afraid of them.
This one really likes me, it freaked me OUT!!

Picture a Day #76

The silly boys were watching some of dads cartoons from when he was a kid, Robotech! So the bunckbeds were the ships and the helmets well of course helmets. I love there imagination!!

Picture a Day #75

We rode on the ferry and the boys want more!!

The Challenge

Okay,so I am taking the ponytail challenge to heart. I need to loose some poundage and to get fit, that is the main reason. Well and the fact that I see a lady at least 2-3 times a week in an outfit that is just awful. She must have spandex or the like pants for everyday of the week. Now mind you I think that even the most fit person cant make the cut in them so SHE cant either!! Her tummy, (not really judging her but come-on we all know so she has to)is way to big to wear them, so the issue I have is if the pants cut your roll in half and makes it jiggle way out of control, its shouldn't be that comfortable. Well back to my point, (i hate judging i know it happens to me plenty) I don't want my tummy to look like that. So my goal is to make my tummy not so juggle-E and to get fit so i can keep up with the kids. I will have to take tons of aspirin and pain killers by days end but I will do it!!

So today we walked around the apartment complex 2 and 3/4 and 420 steps and had to quit, that is the farthest i have gone without stopping and needing a break. I know i have to be careful, i just want to take better care of myself.

My goal really is to not loose weight just to get fit and no more jiggle!!
Wish me luck and i am posting pics to go with the challenge.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

In memeory of....

I took these two pictures during our cross-over ceremony for scouts. It is so neat and NO photo shopping it at all. The sun only peeked through onto the flag.

To me it is something to remember the fallen scouts from the accident and the 4 in the tornado. Take a moment to reflect on them and the quick thinking of the scouts around them that prevented more casualties. May the lord bless the families and the scouts leaders for teaching and preparing them like they did.

Picture a Day #74

My big man is now a WEBLOS Scout!!
They are troop alien, I think its really cool.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Picture a Day #73

Toe nails match the dead leg!!!

Okay, to make a long story short, I have a unresolved blood clot in the entire left leg-DVT. It usually doesnt look like this but I had a spill thursday night that really wasnt graceful at ALL. It hurt really bad. Well I didnt sleep at all thursday night and it was looking kinda on the bad side of things. So I made an appiontment and went to see the doctor. He said its hard to say what could be wrong-to soon. So i am goofed up on pain pills and cant sleep and now am blogging my life away. Ill keep you posted.
By the way the family refers to my legs as the dead and undead. Nice huh

Picture a Day #72

We needed an ice cream fix, and DQ sounded the best and the closest to use. We are hoping for a coldstone, but we wont hold our breath.

Carousels and Shopping, What more can you ask for

Spent the early part of the day doing our chores and earning points on the chart. Then as the weather got better we decided to get dads fathers day gifts. I didnt want to waste the gas for just that for a salem trip so I found the carousel tokens that were given to us and decided we should use them today. So, we went and played on the playground and then rode the Horses. Travis had to sit on his favorite "Nugget" as in chicken nuggets to him. Then he begged the others to sit right next to him. Worked out fine so I could get some nice shots of them all together with smiles.

Batman i see you,

AND if you havent noticed we had a secret super hero joining us today

Helping eachother, i love it when they play nice with eachother,

Look mom I can do it,

Two words, Monkey Man,

Okay take the picture please :)


He thinks to many pictures,

I didnt know batman likes carousels?

They actually look like they love eachother,

Batman to the rescue!!