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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Softball Game

Our girls did a wonderful job playing the game on tuesday. It was COLD and drizzle-E. They played the best game so far this season. They showed sportsmanship, team work and they listened well to the coaches. What more can you ask for. They have come a long way so far and I am proud of them.

Sam making the first score, shes at third base stealing home!

Singing "I feel special, I feel great, I just stepped on Home plate!!

Playing her favorite position, right field,

Running in after the last inning,

Finding out they just won the game by 6 points!!!

Giving the home team a special chant,
"We are proud of you, so WE are proud of you HAY!" etc.....

The"I feel great feeling"

0 Happy Thoughts: