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Monday, October 20, 2008

Webelos Woods Continued,Hike day

This is our last day at camp and there are only 4 boys that are going on the hike. I was excited because it was to a waterfall. We earned about mushrooms and plants that are rare in the area, very awesome.

Here is Austin, Mickey, Calvin and Kellen they are the best of buddies.
Goofy time!!
My Way favorite picture on the hike,
all green and no touch ups this is the real picture!
We had only one more group with us for the hike, it was a Boy Scout troop. They were mixed in the group and were awesome helpers on the first night.
A red mushroom and very important to the Eco system.
A black mushroom, they weren't sure its name, one of a few in the area.
Ranger Yoeder, very smart and willing to answer all the questions from the boys. Showing us the blood orchid, it needs the trees and mushrooms around it to survive. Only a small amount in all, rare to find.

Here is the falls, what a neat hidden wonder.

The group mingling around.
Mickey all cool and chillin.
Austin and Mickey cheezn for the camera.

Now this picture is priceless, this is the picture taken seconds before his dad tried to dodge a picture and ended up in the stream. He got a little hurt and cold but not down the falls.
Shelf mushrooms

Afro tree with antenna
Discussing how to count the years of a downed tree with mushrooms.

I had a wonderful time and was glad that all were able to make it. I cant wait to do again.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Webelos Woods Continued

Well here I am again, this is Webelos Woods continued. Just a few of the pictures of the boys being boys this is after everyone else went home and we were one of 3 groups left for dinner and campfire. The boys did a skit about apple sauce and were wonderful.

Just a picture of the pretty trees around us.
Map of Camp Cooper.
Kellen ready for dinner.....
Austin ready for dinner.......
Mickey ready for dinner.......
and Calvin ready for dinner!!!

This is the smelly KYBO,
they hung around it way to much for it to stink alot.
This is the Group getting ready for the campfire.
Rock wall climbing or monkeys in training not to sure yet.
More monkeys.

Our group being suffocated in the smoke.
Steve being awnry and Calista being silly!!
Austin had to get in the way of my picture, what a booger!!
This is our wonderful and fearless leader Di, she is not amused.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Webelos Woods Night one/Day One

Webelos Woods

We had a great turn out for Webelos woods this year, most of our boys were able to make it.We decided to stay for both nights and make the most of it. The boys had wanted to stay for the hike on Sunday. So we had a blast, it was a wonderful time and cant wait for next year.

This is the campfire on the first night there. The boys had a skit made and ready to go. They were so good and I cant wait for them to show off more of there great skills as Scouts!

This is the map and compass station the next morning. This was the first one on the list and they had to listen and learn how to navigate a map with compass and then go out and use point a to find the "real" point. They had a total of 5 different spots to figure out what was the real one. They did pretty good for there first time. :)

This is our group getting ready to move on to the next station.

We went to the fist aide station next and the boys learned how to treat different emergency cases. Then they learned how to make a carry out. they used two poles and a tarp. Mickey is inside it right now, the boys wanted someone small enough that they could carry.
Peek a boo, you can see his feet!!

This is Steve and Calista, as you can tell he LOVES to have his picture taken.

I love the name of the lake, "Lake Hurl" the boys thought it was great too.
It makes you wonder how it really got its name?!

Team building station, they had to mix up there arms and untangle without letting go of someones hands. The parents were not allowed to help out at all. It was SOOO hard to just stand back and watch. They seemed to be able to do it. They are a great team of boys.
This time it was passing the hula hoop with out letting it touch the ground. They also did it with two and had to cross them without dropping them.

This is also team building the boys were blind folded and the one in the sling had to direct them through the cones.

This is ropes and lashing. They learned how to make some knots and how to lash sticks together. I also learned some knots myself. I am so excited and cant wait to share them with the WORLD!!

This is the Monkey Knot. Its really cool, my grandma had one on her key chain when I was little.

This was outdoor cooking and clean up. They also showed how to lash a wash station tripod and put a gallon jug suspended from it and a deal of soap. I think it would be tons of fun to do as a den meeting.

This is the BB GUN station and here I am doing my best. I got to shoot some and I mad it really close to the bulls eye. Mickey does a way better job than me.

Some of the mushrooms that were all over the camp. They are so awesome and SO many kinds of them.
This is another one and I didn't get the names of these two but I do know some of the other ones.