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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Webelos Woods Continued

Well here I am again, this is Webelos Woods continued. Just a few of the pictures of the boys being boys this is after everyone else went home and we were one of 3 groups left for dinner and campfire. The boys did a skit about apple sauce and were wonderful.

Just a picture of the pretty trees around us.
Map of Camp Cooper.
Kellen ready for dinner.....
Austin ready for dinner.......
Mickey ready for dinner.......
and Calvin ready for dinner!!!

This is the smelly KYBO,
they hung around it way to much for it to stink alot.
This is the Group getting ready for the campfire.
Rock wall climbing or monkeys in training not to sure yet.
More monkeys.

Our group being suffocated in the smoke.
Steve being awnry and Calista being silly!!
Austin had to get in the way of my picture, what a booger!!
This is our wonderful and fearless leader Di, she is not amused.

0 Happy Thoughts: