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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Picture a Day #27

This is what our whole day was like. We went to two parks today and bbq'd today. I think we spent 80% of our day outside. I am pooped!! This is the new park down the street from us. The neighborhood put it together yesterday and today. We really have a good town to live in after all.

2 Happy Thoughts:

Rachel Holloway said...

LOVE being outside all day and having everyone be exhausted at the end! Somehow it just makes the days feel AMAZING!!!

Hope you had a good night's sleep!

Anonymous said...

So where is your new park at? It looks like fun, and I'm always looking for a new place to wear Maddi out! Your ice cream sandwiches look great, too! I had asked Kellen if he did the cookie walk, but he had said it didn't look like that much fun to him. Oh, well :)