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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Scout Expo

Sunny day+3kids=FUN
They had there doubts, they complained the whole way there. They kept mentioning the fact that last year was kinda lame and they didnt want to stay very long. I told them I needed to stay as long as we could so that I could make sure Di had a break a few times today. SO off we went into the school grounds. As we were walking to find our spot with the Pack I could see there eyes wandering and I scoped it out to make sure if they wanted to wander off without me they would be safe. I felt pretty good about it, with police officers and fire fighters outside at every turn. We went in and found Di hard at work already and I pitched right in to help. It was almost instant, they wanted to go explore already, the voice inside me wanted to shout "I TOLD YOU SO!!" But I kept my cool and said, "Just check in with me every 15-20 minutes please. OFF they went and hours later we were done and ready to go find dad at home. All in all it was a good day.

We had so much fun today,

the scout expo was great and the sun was shining all day.
Tons of activities for the kids to do.

Our booth was bottle rockets and

there were also booths inside two buildings.

One had the Derby in, and some booths which were
forestry-make wood necklaces,
frog folding origami-camp nee deep,
fastpitch, leather pressing,
car safety, forest safety.

The other builing had geology-earn the belt loop,
lego collection, catapults-they went fast, indian drums,
collections of old patches and
outside was the

(our fearless leader DAVE)
We had a blast.

0 Happy Thoughts: