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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fort Yamhill Hike

Our lovely leader Di had arranged for the group to have a hike up at
Fort Yamhill. The plan was to hike along the trail and learn about the past and what the fort was built for. We learned a whole lot from the trip. For example why the fort was built and needed, Archaeology, what the soldiers uniforms looked like, and what and where they slept.
It was a great day the weather held up and made for a great picnic day.

buddy system again....

Ranger Matt.....

Listening to Ranger Matt talk about living quarters and
what they had to do as there duty....

This is the old bunk house and it is being restored back to the original form...

The Dig.....

A view from up on the hill.....

~Group Photo~
From the Back: Dustin, Mr. Puffpaff, Kit, Ranger Matt, James, Di
Next row: Kellen, Xavier, Ryan, James?, Zachary, Martin, Jonah, Karen or megan?, Mickey, Sam, Nate
Front Row: Carissa, Nathanial and ?

1 Happy Thoughts:

Karen said...

This looks like such fun! I love the one of Maddi in the tent, of course:)