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Friday, May 22, 2009

Family Adventures

It was hot last weekend and we wanted to find someplace a lot cooler to go and rest. Well the cooler and fun happened but not quite the resting part.

We ended up going to a place called Drift Creek Falls. Man o man is it a neat place, its on the way to Lincoln city and up in the mountains. The trail is about 1.5 miles one way so a little more than 3 all together. Good thing I threw our family snack pack on my back.( hee hee) It was one of our best adventures in the great unknown.

Dad and tman walking the path

Sam and mickey goofing around
The beginning of the bridge
View from the side

Some of the falls

Really pretty flower in the sun and shadows
Oregon Slug staring at us

Travis posing for a cute pix
Mickey posing for a pix.

Sammy posing for a pix.

It was the perfect ending to a long weekend.

0 Happy Thoughts: