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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Crappy stuff

Man i know this isnt family fun but i just have to vent. Well as you know my son is in scouts and i am very involved in it for him. We always send him to summer camp with grandpa and they have a blast. Well it just happens that this year may not happen, and it was being blamed on me and Di(our den leader-wonderful lady). I had asked all the parents what dates would work well for them and compiled a list and found a date that would work for all of us. So i took the money and dates to the Pack Leader-main person in charge of stuff like this. Well i guess he was expecting for me or di to call and get it set up. For one, i dont have the phone #s and i dont have the money to cover all five of the scouts, who really does now a days? Since he assumed that it was taken care of nothing else was done on his part. All the other 3 years when the old pack leader was here, he did it so no one would run a scam or forget. Well long story short, we now are on a waiting list and may not be able to go, but we still have to pay money out for the just in case it works out. AAAHHHHHHH, this is why i decided not to be the treasurer, no one seems to be on the same page and every gets blamed for stuff they didnt do. i am tired of getting mean and rude email, stop hating and just love me for crying out loud.
I am only human.

0 Happy Thoughts: