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Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Eggs

Time to color eggs, we love this time
this year the kids are all old enough
to not make huge messes.

Sam the perfectionist, or at least trying to be.
She made a bleeding heart if you look at the purple egg in the tray.
She is so funny.

He's always mad at me for something.

He got over it and finished his eggs.
We found out that he has a new favorite color.
He loves PINK!!
SHHHH, dont tell its a secret.

Mickey is in deep thought.
It takes lots of concentration to choose a color.

Travis and Sam working hard.
Sam is taking her time and wants all the pictures of her to stop.
What a party Pooper!

Travis is proud of his art work.
Look, its mostly his favorite color.

Mickey and his art work,
he decorated some like footballs and some with bunnies.

0 Happy Thoughts: